Can I Waterproof My Deck if It Has Drains?
March 5, 2021
Why Are The Seams So Important on Vinyl Decking Material?
March 12, 2021Concrete is a great decking material. It’s solid and sturdy and typically lasts a long time. However, like most other building materials, concrete can take a beating from the rain. Water damage can cause cracks and fissures to form, often damaging not just the concrete but also the surrounding structure.
Vinyl decking is a great way to waterproof your concrete deck to prevent irritating and expensive damage from occurring. It is possible to install vinyl decking materials yourself as part of a DIY project. However, you run the risk of installing it improperly and causing more problems down the line.
If you’re a contractor or architect looking for the best waterproofing material around, look no further. OnDek Vinyl Worx offers top-quality vinyl for decking with unparalleled waterproofing and simple installation.
Installing Vinyl Membrane Over Concrete Decking: A Step-by-Step Guide
Here, you’ll learn how to install vinyl decking covering over concrete surfaces. The process for installing OnDek Vinyl Worx products is fairly straightforward but unique to other vinyl decking materials.
Choosing Your Style of Vinyl Decking Material
Before the start of any installation, you need to decide how your vinyl decking will look. OnDek Vinyl Worx has six different styles to choose from. These are:
Speckled Grey
Portland Grey
Portland Tan
Speckled Tan
Brookside Grey
Homestead Plank
There are seven additional styles available in the United States. They are called
The IntelliDeck Collection. These are:
Silver Maple
The problem with vinyl coverings is that they are often ugly and look fake. Unlike our competitors, the vinyl materials we offer are visually striking and appealing to the eye. All of our styles are modern and designed to fit the aesthetic of whatever home your customers dream of.
Vinyl Decking Material Installation
Contractors install OnDek Vinyl Worx using a specially formulated solvent-based adhesive material. The vinyl covering is applied to the surface of the concrete using this adhesive.
It is often the case that more than one 6’ wide sheet is needed. We use Ultra Seam to connect these sheets to each other. They are overlapped 1” and melted together using heat from a special hot air gun and pressure from a silicone roller. This thermal bond ensures absolute waterproofing. Our vinyl materials over the concrete surface become virtually one continuous piece guaranteed not to leak.
Cover Your Concrete Deck Using OnDek Vinyl Worx
For waterproofing concrete building envelopes and outdoor decks, OnDek Vinyl Worx using Ultra Seam is the best option on the market. The vinyl material is the best available guarantee for waterproofing concrete surfaces, extending their lifespan for years to come.
However challenging your project may be, OnDek Vinyl Worx can help you get started on installing and maintaining our vinyl deck materials. Our vinyl decking products are of the highest quality, and our trained professionals are ready to tackle whatever your needs are. Get your free OnDek Design Kit by contacting Grant@ondekvinylworx.com today!