How Can I Waterproof My Deck?
February 23, 2021
Can I Install Vinyl Decking On My Elevated Deck Myself?
March 1, 2021If your home has a deck that sits above your garage, living room, or other indoor space, a leak can be a major problem. Water can damage your belongings and weaken the overall structure of your home. Household molds can even be dangerous to the health of your family and pets.
Vinyl membrane deck covering is ideal for stopping leaks coming from your old deck. However, some considerations are needed before the installation of the vinyl decking materials. Although it’s attractive and durable, vinyl decking is not a structural repair product.
Your old deck will need to be structurally sound before vinyl decking contractors can apply OnDek Vinyl Worx. Damage from rot or cracks could cause the underlying structure to decay further, even after vinyl decking is applied. You and your contractors should inspect your deck thoroughly.
The area where the leak is coming through is a good place to start looking for damage. You should also check any areas that creak or bow when walked on. Broken beams or rotten sections need to be repaired before vinyl decking materials are applied.
Contractors will also dry the area before installing vinyl decking. Vinyl decking materials provide an excellent moisture barrier. However, it’s just as important not to seal moisture in as it is to keep moisture out. Trapped water can cause rapid decay of wood and drywall.
The vinyl decking protects your deck structure from future damage. Provided your deck is safe and secure, vinyl for decking will keep water from seeping into cracks and encouraging mold. This helps preserve the value of your home.
Surface Prep
Once the initial inspection is complete, your vinyl decking contractor will smooth the old deck to remove bumps and surface irregularities. The installation area for the vinyl decking covering is clean and free of debris before your contractor lays down any vinyl decking materials.
Ultra Seam
Using our Ultra Seam technology, we fuse any overlapping sections of your vinyl decking together. We don’t use glue or adhesive that can harden and come apart over time. These seams hold up under heavy downpours and can sit under several inches of snow without allowing moisture to seep through.
Depending on the size of your deck, there may not be a need for seams at all. Our vinyl decking material comes in 300-foot master rolls that are 6 feet wide. That allows us to custom cut your vinyl decking to fit so that there are minimal seams. It also helps eliminate waste.
You no longer have to fear water leaking from or through your elevated deck. When properly installed, OnDek Vinyl can – and will stop it from getting into your home, office complex, apartment building, condominium project, or any other elevated outdoor deck, balcony, or porch you own.
And, we don’t just expect you to believe us. We expect you to challenge us! Contact us for details today.
Ready to start overhauling your old deck to stop leaks? Get your free OnDek Design Kit by contacting Grant@ondekvineylworx.com.