Will Furniture Cause Damage To My Vinyl Decking Membrane?
March 25, 2021
Will Vinyl Decking Leak Around the Railing Posts?
March 27, 2021Make your wheelchair ramp a lot safer by reinforcing it with a vinyl deck membrane. As vinyl deck membranes’ popularity grows, we have received many questions regarding alternative uses of this beautiful and durable material. Most of our customers’ inquiries pertain to the idea of installing a vinyl membrane onto a wheelchair ramp. Is it possible?
Yes! A vinyl deck membrane serves as the best possible improvement to a wheelchair ramp. And, it functions very well for many other uses, too. For wheelchair ramps, vinyl decking provides superior anti-slip technology, waterproof protection for the wooden substructure, and remarkable durability. Let’s look at some of these features in detail.
Exceeds American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Slip Requirements
If you find yourself thinking about improving your wheelchair ramp, you should consider a vinyl deck membrane. The vinyl membranes used for decks, patios, and other outdoor areas double as the perfect surface for a ramp.
All of our vinyl membranes at OnDek Vinyl Worx far exceed the slip requirements stipulated in the ADA. So, whether it’s sunny, raining, or snowing, you can enter and exit your home or office building with confidence.
Contains Ultraviolet (UV) Stabilizers and Inhibitors
The vinyl decking materials we use contain specialized UV stabilizers and inhibitors. So, even if you live in an arid desert and your wheelchair ramp receives a lot of direct sunlight, your new membrane won’t succumb to sun damage. We’re so confident about the UV protection built into our product that it comes with a 5-year warranty on its appearance.
Acrylic Topcoat
Wheelchair ramps sure do take a beating. And, while the base materials of our vinyl decking covering withstand long-term wear and tear, we went the extra mile and added an acrylic topcoat. This topcoat provides additional protection to your new investment, allowing it to tolerate even light commercial use. You can rely on your vinyl decking for years to come.
Protects Substructure Lumber
Utilizing vinyl for decking and wheelchair ramps protects the wooden substructure below. Not only does the vinyl decking covering block sunlight that would otherwise rot your lumber over time, but it also provides unparalleled waterproofing.
There’s nothing worse than finding out in real-time that your ramp’s construction has rotted away. It can be both frustrating and dangerous. Thankfully, our premium vinyl decking acts as a shield to keep your ramp safe from the elements. We believe in our product’s waterproofing capabilities so much that it comes with a 15-year waterproofing warranty.
Other Uses
By now, you might be wondering what other uses a vinyl decking membrane might have. Our vinyl decking contractors have employed vinyl membranes to protect the following:
– Dog houses
– Outdoor furniture
– Planter boxes
– Garage floors
– Treehouses
– Bathrooms
– Bleacher seats
– And more!
Hi there! Have you installed a vinyl membrane in your home? In the comments, let us know how you like it so our readers can make an informed decision. Otherwise, request your free OnDek Design Kit here: https://ondekvinylworx.com/request-your-ondek-vinyl-worx-design-kit/