OnDek Vinyl Decking Products – Virtually Maintenance-Free
Deck maintenance is virtually non-existent with OnDek products.
Unlike our competitors, we do not expect our seams to split apart and do not require an annual inspection, thanks to our UltraSeam technology. Our UltraSeam allows for a vinyl to vinyl weld, ensuring that all our seams are free of contamination and stronger than the vinyl itself. With an OnDek Vinyl Worx deck you do not have to worry about seam delamination.
To keep your OnDek vinyl deck looking its best, clean it every three months with mild detergent and water:
1. In a bucket, mix soap and water.
(We recommend the use of mild dish soap)
2. Use a mop of soft brush on a stick to agitate the soap on the deck surface.
3. Be sure to rinse thoroughly with water from a garden hose.
(Do not use a pressure washer)
Please refer to our Care & Maintenance Guide for complete maintenance details.